Saturday, March 21, 2020

Tutoring Atlanta Georgia

Tutoring Atlanta GeorgiaTutoring in Atlanta Georgia has grown significantly in the past ten years or so. Not only are more students having difficulties finishing their schooling but also the financial outlook for the city as a whole is not so great due to the high unemployment rate, a slower economic recovery and an increased cost of living.There is still a lot of demand for tutors and they seem to be out in force, this makes Atlanta County an ideal place to do some tutoring. It is in Atlanta where you can find teachers who have been working for years and may have had their own students for a while.There are plenty of places where you can find tutors in Atlanta but the best option for those looking for a traditional setup would be in PACE and Atlanta PACE Center in Peachtree City. They offer all services for a full package. This includes tutoring the traditional way, but also provides additional support and services such as in-home study centers, senior programs, gifted programs, and even individualized tutoring.There are two full sized full-time centers located in Peachtree City and both offer tutoring in their respective areas. You can find the Peachtree City center online.The Peachtree City center has a tutor desk and staff members who will meet with you to discuss your needs and work through the details of your plan. You can also request a consultation from them for any questions or concerns that you may have.All tutors who teach at the Peachtree City center are qualified and licensed teachers. This means that you can expect a calm, personal interaction from them. They can help you to make changes if you feel that the one you are tutoring is not ready for tutoring at the center. Whether you have just moved to Atlanta or you've been living there for many years, Peachtree City is an ideal place to do tutoring. They have tutors available to work with all ages and educational levels. It is just a matter of finding a teacher who is willing to be flexible about y our plans for your time and their time.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Getting Good Grades Strategies to Succeed in School - Assignment Help

Getting Good Grades Strategies to Succeed in School - Assignment Help Research well on the concerned topic before initiating to write Tough times come for the students, when assignments keep revolving around them. Being a mind boggling thing, it becomes difficult to handle them as per the complexity involved in it. Certainly, the assignments vary as per the requirements of the student. So, the assignment essay help tutorials can come to their rescue. The task of such companies is to assist the students to complete their assignment papers and submit well on time. What adds value to the services is that companies happen to research well on the concerned topic before initiating to write. Definitely, research works a lot in the matter of crafting a fine document of work. Online help tends to deal with the objectives and the complexities Quality is always set at priority with the associates working with the assignment help companies or institutes. In order to maintain it, the officials ensure that the topic is well researched with authentic piece of information. In this manner, they tend to deal with the objectives and the complexities coming in the way of writing assignments. It might also be possible that the professional writers take into consideration a variety of sources to draft a wonderful paper. Well, the process of such helping companies makes it certain that assignments are completed on time and delivered properly. Generally, what happens is that the students keep on looking for the assignment homework help companies. Budget friendly rates that looks really magnificent With the increasing workload of the studies, it is becoming mandatory that the students are required to focus on the subjects. At times, the overload is so much that handling homework is not possible; especially in the case of exams going together. In such conditions, it becomes difficult to decide over the fact that the students should prepare for the exams or complete their homework. Definitely, this requires the intervention of assignment help writing professionals. They are adept in their task and have years of experience in managing the tasks. Well, the scenario is such that these helping hands serve high quality at budget friendly rates that looks really magnificent. Hire the right kind of help in doing the writing work When there is a need for the assignment help, the students of colleges or schools can opt for the web world because it reveals a list of institutes offering assignment assistance. The best part of finding the institute in this manner is that it allows them to come across their website, which provides complete details of the company and its services. This may also include information on their track record that helps the students to decide over the institute to hire for help in doing the writing work. Nothing can be more excellent than getting good grades because of the assignment help done by professionals. It is with the help of the students that professionals come to form the base of the assignment. So, it is always better to research for the institutes because it is related with the impression of student in from of school or college authorities.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How To Pick Your College

How To Pick Your College Spring is here and high school seniors across the nation are eagerly awaiting admission decisions to arrive in their inboxes or mailboxes. After your initial celebration of being accepted into your dream school(s), take the time to do careful research to find your best fit college. Being admitted was just the beginning. Below are some tips to further help your decision. Talk to alumni: beyond the amenities and fine dining youre expecting in college, the academics that youll have to succeed in to obtain a degree will be a key factor in shaping your next four years. For colleges in which you have an interest, find alumni or current students and conduct brief interviews. Use your own network and extended network of family and friends to connect with students who have first-hand experience of Professor Smiths chemistry class you as a potential chemistry major will have to take. Talk to undergraduates currently in Professor Joes biology lab to determine research opportunities. Keep track of deadlines: make note of the dates by which you have to reply to a college that has offered you admissions. It would be a shame if you were to be turned away from your dream university due to a technicality. This, of course, sounds like common sense, but while you are busy with calculus and U.S. history homework, exams, and fielding several admission offers, details can easily be forgotten. Continue to search for scholarship opportunities: rare is the student these days who can afford the full sticker price of higher education. Being able to finance your future education is a key part of the admissions process. Ask your schools guidance counselor for a list of known scholarships. Use your googling skills to find additional opportunities, such as Varsity Tutors college scholarship. Compare financial aid packages: know the differences between a grant and a student loan. Check up on your colleges merit or need-based scholarships. Find out about work-study opportunities on campus. Some colleges have special merit-based scholarships. Others only award financial aid based on need. Carefully check the details of all your different financial aid offers.

Circumference Worksheets

Circumference Worksheets Circumference worksheets are the worksheet involved in which there are the solved as well as the unsolved problems of the circumference. This worksheet is the best way to understand the concept of the circumference of the circle and its application. This uses the below mentioned formulas for the calculation of the circumference of the circle. Circumference formula based on the radius of the circle Circumference of circle = 2 x pie x r Circumference formula based in the diameter of the circle Circumference of circle = pie x d (because d = 2r). Here pie = 22/7 or 3.14. In the problems defined below, we will use the radius based formula Example 1:- Find the circumference of circle if the diameter of the circle is 980 cm. Solution:- Given diameter of circle = 980 cm = Therefore, Radius of circle = diameter of circle/2 = 980/2 = 490 cm = So the circumference of circle = 2 x pie x r = 2 X 22/7 x 490 = 3080 cm = Hence the circumference of circle is 3080 cm. Example 2:- Find the circumference of circle if the diameter of the circle is 840 cm. Solution:- Given diameter of circle = 840 cm Therefore, Radius of circle = diameter of circle/2 = 840/2 = 420 cm So the circumference of circle = 2 x pie x r = 2 X 22/7 x 420 = 2640 cm Hence the circumference of circle is 2640 cm.

Linear Equation

Linear Equation An algebraic equation having the highest degree of the variable as one is known as a linear equation. A linear equation can be in one variable say x or it may have two variable say a, b. But in both the cases the highest degree of the variable in the linear equation is 1. A linear equation in two variables has its graph in the form of a straight line. Example 1: Which of the following equation is a linear equation? Support your answer by giving a suitable reason. a. x + 2y = 5 b. p2 3q + 7 = 0 Solution: For identifying a linear equation we need to recall the basic definition of linear equation. A linear equation is anequation with the variables having the highest degree as 1. So we check the highest degree of the variables in the givenequations. a. The highest degree is 1 for the variables x and y. So it is a linear equation. b. The highest degree is 2 which is the power of p. Thus it is not a linear equation. Example 2: Write whether the given graph is of a linear equation? Give reasons for your answer. Solution: a. As we already know that the graph of a linear equation is a straight line. In the given graph the curve is a straight line. This shows that the given graph is of a linear equation. b. The given graph is a parabola and not a straight line. This proves that this graph is not a linear equation.

Fun French Games for Learning the Language

Fun French Games for Learning the Language French-learning Games To Help You Learn ChaptersDIY Games and Activities to Learn French VocabularySimple Games to Learn French GrammarOnline Games and Quizzes for Learning FrenchCommercial French GamesPlay Video Games in FrenchYou want to learn French outside of the classroom but don’t really know how? Tired of studying only from books and looking for fun new ways to assimilate the French language?Play games instead! Here are a series of activities to make French learning fun! AnnieFrench Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolineFrench Teacher 5.00 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriFrench Teacher 5.00 (9) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarianneFrench Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThibautFrench Teacher 5.00 (3) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnnickFrench Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DéborahFrench Teacher 5.00 (10) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamyFre nch Teacher 5.00 (2) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDIY Games and Activities to Learn French VocabularyIs reading French newspapers too boring for you, or are you still a beginner? Here are a few games aimed at improving your French vocabulary.Memory or Matching Game (for beginners)A more playful way of using flash cards! You can make your own Memory game by either buying blank memory cards or using index cards. You will only be writing on one side of the cards.Create matching pairs by writing French words and their English translation on two separate cards. Do this until you have thirty-six cards in total.Find a partner (or several) to play with.Mix the cards up as thoroughly as possible.Place them face down in a 6 x 6 grid.The youngest player starts by uncovering one card.He or she can then uncover a second card. If the words match, they can take up the pair and try again.If they don’t, both cards are turned face down once more.The turn then goes to the next playe r who can uncover two cards.The round goes to the player with the most matching pairs.The trick is to remember where all the cards are as they are uncovered, so you can find a match quickly. Don’t forget to have a dictionary handy in case someone contests a translation pair!Vocabulary flashcards make a good memory game for learning a new language. Photo credit: susivinh on VisualHuntAlso, you might want to make more than thirty-six cards to keep it interesting. Just make sure that you store them in pairs (with paper clips, for example) so you can just pick eighteen vocabulary pairs for your next game.Hangman (Intermediate level)Ever get bored in your French classes and played Hangman with your neighbour? Why not do it with French words instead? Here are the rules for those who have never played it.One of you chooses a basic French word. Because we are still learning the French language, that person can give the main category it’s in (baked goods, article of clothing, furniture, verb, etc.)Then he or she puts down how many letters it is.The other person must guess the word. He or she can ask if a letter of the alphabet is in the word.If he guessed correctly, you must write it down in its proper place.If he didn't, someone gets hanged. For each wrong letter or wrong guess of the word, a line is drawn to make first the scaffold, then the noose, then each of the limbs of the stick man who is being hanged. If the stick man is finished before the word is guessed, he is hanged and the player who chose the word won. If the other player guesses the word correctly before the hanging is done, he wins.You can play hangman to prractise your French vocabulary. Photo credit: frankieleon on VisualHuntFor example: our word is “croissant”, so we give the category “baked goods”. Then we show how many letters it is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Our opponent guesses an “A”. We write it in:_ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _He then guesses an “f”. We draw the base of the scaffolding: ______ __He guesses “R”. _ R _ _ _ _A _ _.He guesses “I”. The vertical beam of the scaffolding is added: __I__And so on until he guesses the word.Advanced: Pictionary or CharadesThis is for advanced French language learning. You will need four people at least to play, though there are versions for only two.You divide into two teams. One team gives the other words or phrases in French. The second team must choose who will explain and who will guess.The first team gives the explainer their phrase and a timer is set. The explainer must either draw it in some way or explain it WITHOUT using the words or expressions their partner should guess.If the partner guesses the French language phrase right, the point goes to them. If not, the point goes to the team that thought up the phrase. The first team to reach ten points are the winners.Bonus points can be given for pronunciation.Simple Games to Learn French GrammarAnyone learning a second language knows that the drag is often not even the vocabulary, but the grammar, with conjugation and sentence structure making it difficult to learn French. Here are some challenges and games of grammar skill to improve your knowledge of the French language.Hot potato verbs (for beginners)To play this game, you will need a ball (for example, a basketball) and some friends. Someone chooses a verb and starts by yelling a tense and throwing the ball to someone. That person has to start the conjugation, passing the ball to the next person, who continues. If there are still people in the game at the end of the tense, a new tense is chosen.For example:The verb is “boire”. The first person chooses “passé composé” and throws the ball to the next person, who has to yell “j’ai bu”, throwing the ball to the next who says “tu as bu” etc.If someone drops the ball, he is out.If someone holds the ball for too long (more than three counts), he or she is out.If someone messes up a conjugation, he is out.The last man standing win s and gets to choose the next verb.A simple ball can help you learn French verb conjugations. Photo on Visual HuntThis is a good game for teachers with large classes, to loosen them up and really make the lesson more challenging, or for a group of friends studying for the same French class.Sentence puzzleThis game requires a bit of preparation. It is great for learning sentence structure and how to make nouns and verbs or adjectives agree. You will need several categories of index cards, depending on the complexity. For a beginner group, three is enough:SubjectVerbAdjectiveMore advanced decks can add conjunctions and adverbial phrases to build longer sentences.You can simply photocopy some pages from a French book and cut them up if you don’t want to think up the words yourself.This game building French sentences is a little like playing with poetry fridge magnets. Photo credit: rob.knight on VisualHunt.comThe cards are mixed thoroughly and each player is given seven cards. One ca rd is placed on the table and the deck is put face down next to it.To play the game, the first player can look at his hand and start building a sentence with the card on the table. The sentence must make grammatical sense! If the verb is in the third person singular, you can’t place a subject card with “je” on it. Adjectives have to agree!If you can’t contribute to the sentence, you take a card from the pile.The person who completes the sentence (it has to have at least one subject, one verb, one object and one adjective) gets one point.The game is over when someone has no more cards in their hand. Then the completed sentences are tallied. To win, you need to have more completed sentences than anybody else. Each card still in your hand is a penalty of 1/4 point.If you like, you can introduce some jokers or wild cards that are played to make adjectives and verbs agree even if they don’t really, but a player putting down a wild card has to say the correct conjugation.Spin a taleTired of watching French films to improve your language learning skills and eager to apply all your new vocabulary?“Tales” is a game of immersion, a sort of round robin. Someone starts a tale in one French sentence and the next person has to continue it with one sentence.The continuation has to make sense both grammatically and in terms of storytelling (a hare can’t suddenly become an elephant). See how long you can make it!Or you can do the classic written version:Someone starts the tale at the top of a piece of paper, folds it down over the text and passes it on. Once everyone has written something the paper is unfolded and the ensuing tale read aloud, usually to hilarity. AnnieFrench Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolineFrench Teacher 5.00 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriFrench Teacher 5.00 (9) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarianneFrench Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThibautFrench Teacher 5.00 (3) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnnickFrench Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DéborahFrench Teacher 5.00 (10) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamyFrench Teacher 5.00 (2) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsOnline Games and Quizzes for Learning FrenchIf you don’t have any fellow aspiring French speakers, here are some sites with language games to play online:French Games has 7 little games to practise your French vocabulary. It needs Adobe Flash Player.Ciel Bretagne has a series of suggestions for making language learning fun.Digital dialects has a number of mini-games to practise specifics aspects of the French language.Additionally, Mindsnacks is a fun little app you can download that will help you improve your French.Commercial French GamesKLOO is the creator of various little games for language learning. They all have a French edition:Card games in which you learn voca bulary and build French sentences.A board game with a similar premise but a more dynamic gameplay.Additionally, the French verb conjugation bible, the Bescherelle, has both online games and a physical board game to help you master French verb conjugation and grammar - with the additional challenge that all the instructions are in French!Play Video Games in FrenchMore and more video games now come with several language options to choose from. Why not French? Get your games from France or click the French option when gaming, whether dialogue-base roleplaying games, quiz games or strategy games. Or see if there is a way to log into a French server in a MMMORPG or other browser game for true language immersion as you interact with French players.If you want to go to the next level, search  for French courses London  to find the most results on Superprof.

Photography Courses Can Help You to Become a Better Photographer

Photography Courses Can Help You to Become a Better Photographer Why Take Photography Classes? ChaptersWhat Photography Classes Can Teach YouLearn Photography to Think Like a PhotographerDitch the Filters by Learning About LightingFind Opportunities to Get Your Work Seen!For many years, smartphones have waged war on the traditional digital camera.As the quality of the cameras integrated into our mobile devices improves and becomes more high-tech, people are asking themselves whether there is any real benefit to investing in a digital camera.Have smartphones replaced digital cameras? And do they produce the same level of quality as professional photography devices?The vast majority of professional photographers agree that traditional cameras still have some glorious years ahead of them.“You don’t take photographs, you make them”,    Ansel AdamsBut what is the advantage to investing in a high-quality camera to learn about digital photography if smartphones already allow us to quickly and easily take beautiful photographs?The answer to this question is that having a good di gital camera will allow you to go further in your photography endeavours and open up new opportunities as you take your photography know-how to the next level. Not only will you come to understand the basics and take practical instruction about shooting and editing your photos but you will be be able to develop your own personal technique and style.Attending photography courses or even a photography class with a good camera will help you learn advanced photography, the right vocabulary and lastly, it will give you the artistic photography skills you need to go it alone. AllanPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPhotography Teacher 5.00 (7) £55/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TimothyPhotography Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Anosh nadeemPhotography Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ZangmoPhotography Teacher 5.00 (6) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Ros iePhotography Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MattPhotography Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AndyPhotography Teacher £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Photography Classes Can Teach YouPhotography, like many activities, has its own precise and indispensable vocabulary.Know your aperture from your exposure ¦ source: VisualhuntHere are a few useful, and easy to understand, terms and their definitions to help you in your introduction to beginner photography courses.Diaphragm/Aperture StopThis is the part of the camera which controls the view of the lens as well as the amount of light which will enter the shutter.ApertureAperture defines the size of the opening in the lens that can is adjusted to control the amount of light reaching the sensor. Changing the aperture can affect detail such as depth of field in your photographs.FocusThe focus of a photograph is about defining the element or elements of the scene which you would like to appear completely clearly. Choosing a point of focus is about capturing the main object in front of a background which is less precisely defined.Shutter SpeedThis is the duration of time for which the film or digital sensor will be exposed to the light before the shutter closes. The duration of the exposure time depends on the brightness and movement of the subject being photographed. For example, if you’re photographing something that is moving quickly, you’ll have to use a quick shutter speed so that the image is clear.ISO SensitivityISO sensitivity is about a camera's ability to capture light. If ISO sensitivity is increased, blurriness can be reduced by choosing a faster shutter speed.NoiseIn the world of photography, noise describes visual distortion that occurs for a number of reasons. Noise can affect clarity in an image.ExposureExposure is about the brightness of a scene to be captured.Achieving a certain level of exposure can be done by changing aperture, shutte r speed and sensitivity.The exposure of an image ultimately depends on the brightness of a scene, but you can also play around with exposure if there’s a certain mood you wish to create.Learn Photography to Think Like a PhotographerIf you’re one of those people who enjoys immortalising special moments by capturing them on camera, taking photography courses taught by an experienced instructor can improve your confidence in taking pictures as well as getting better results!However, if you’re serious about learning more about photography or even considering becoming a professional photographer, you’ll need to use your imagination and branch out.A good way of doing this is viewing the world from a different perspective.Why not go for a walk with your camera and try to come up with stories for the people and buildings you see? Explore your hometown with a fresh pair of eyes and pick out the details that interest you.See familiar sights in a new way ¦ source: VisualhuntBeing more attentive to the world around you will multiply your chances of finding something that captures your imagination.Think about adopting a different point of view.This may involve pretending to be someone else. For instance, you could view the world as if you were a child, a giant, a dog or a plant.Changing something as simple as the height from which your photographs are taken can show the world in an unusual and interesting light.Even if you don’t always have your camera with you, you can always try to think like a photographer.Whether you’re on your way to work, strolling along the street or doing your weekly shop, choose a subject and try to imagine the sort of photograph you could produce.Creating and working on an image in your mind’s eye can not only help you to progress as a photographer, but it can also help you to exercise your imagination.Whether it be a forest or a different area of your city, exploring new places will also give you inspiration and help you to determ ine your interests as an amateur photographer. This will help you become more advanced in fundamental photography basics and make you feel at ease behind the lense.Exploring the unknown is a brilliant way to continue your photography training outside of your tutorials and discover what interests you!Sometimes, a successful day of shooting relies on the photographer adopting awkward stances in public such as laying on the ground, for instance.However, there’s no reason to worry! This is a common sight, and very few people will be shocked by your positions, meaning that your results will be as natural as possible.Ditch the Filters by Learning About LightingThe filters which are available on many applications and software such as Adobe photoshop lightroom are great for adding a specific ambience to an existing photograph.But did you know that you can achieve similar results without any of this technology?You can create moods and enhance the atmosphere in a photography by using the av ailable lighting!Here are a few basic photography tips and tricks for using lighting:The Colour of the LightContrary to what you may believe, light isn’t transparent! It can be made up of a large variety of colours coming from different sources.The colour of light is discussed in terms of temperature, which is measured in Kelvin (rather than in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit).You can control this temperature on your digital camera by altering the white balance. The further you go towards the red and oranges, the warmer the temperature of your photograph will be, and vice versa for blues.Hard and Soft LightHard lighting is characterised by the large presence of easily distinguishable shadows. The most obvious example of hard light is the sun.Soft light comes from a source which is in close proximity to the subject, which therefore creates fewer shadows.Size of Light SourceAdjusting the size of your light source will enable you to change the contrast of your scene. The larger the lig ht source, the lower the level of contrast.This is because a lot of lighting illuminates every aspect of the scene, making colours appear more uniform.You can also change the size of your light source by changing the distance between the source and the object of your focus.Know how to Use Natural Light to Your AdvantageIf you don’t have any studio lighting equipment, you’ll probably be working almost exclusively with natural light.Natural light, like any light, comes in many varieties depending on the time of day, climate and weather conditions.For this reason, budding photographers should learn how to observe these changes and how the colour of light changes over the course of the day, so that they can adapt their work to the lighting, rather than the other way around.The ‘Golden Hours’In complete opposition to the midday sun, which is hard and therefore creates sharp shadows, the light at the beginning and the end of the day is very soft and features some magnificent colou rs.The sun can create a variety of atmospheres depending on the time of day ¦ source: VisualhuntFind Opportunities to Get Your Work Seen!Gone are the days when photography galleries and exhibitions where the only way to explore other people’s photography.The Internet has revolutionised the way in which we express ourselves and show our art to others.Even though visiting physical exhibitions is an excellent way to get inspired, it demands that you invest your time and money to have the opportunity.One of the first things many amateur photographers do is start a blog.There are many simple ways you can create your own platform and increase your visibility on the web without having to call on the expertise of a web designer.Your blog should be a representation of how you use your camera to create a certain view of the world, not only through your images but through your captions and descriptions, too.Social media is also a great way to share your photos and create a portfolio of your photography.In addition to Instagram there is a number of social networks dedicated to photography such as DeviantArt and Flickr.So, whether you take online photography courses. or you attend a photography school, discovering your true interests as a photographer will guarantee satisfaction in your learning.

6 Tips to Increase Your Accuracy in Math

6 Tips to Increase Your Accuracy in Math Frequently at AJ Tutoring, students come in who express a familiarity with key math concepts but don’t score as well as they’d imagined on quizzes and tests. A common source of missed questions is inaccuracy. It can be frustrating because such errors happen even if you have mastered the material and know the problem-solving techniques. Our math tutors excel at helping students minimize missed questions. Click here to learn more about math tutoring at AJ, and read on for some tips to increase accuracy in math.1. Stop Calling Your Mistakes Stupid It is completely predictable that as a human you are going to make mistakes, and it under no circumstances makes you stupid or silly or lazy. The first step is to retrain your mind to see these mistakes for what they are: Accuracy Errors. By changing your mindset and accepting that you will inevitably make these mistakes, you enable yourself to plan for and thus correct any that do occur. 2. Make a ListAs we discussed above, accuracy error s are predictable, and the cool thing is you probably have a set that you are most susceptible to. So, whenever you get an assignment back, dont just say to yourself, Darn, I made 5 silly mistakes! Instead, classify them: Did you forget to distribute or drop a negative sign? Did you answer the wrong question? Did you do 3+2=6? Did you not write your units? By categorizing your errors, you make it easier to check for them during an assignment or exam. Instead of chanting Dont make any accuracy errors to yourself, you can quickly run through your list of common errors and feel confident in moving on to the next question.    3. Read the QuestionI know it seems simple, but there are a lot of predictable ways this can go wrong. If you feel overly confident with a familiar question type, you might rush through the prompt and miss an important tweak your teacher made. If you feel uncomfortable with a question or its length, you might let the question intimidate you and turn what was actua lly a simple problem into a nightmare. So, read all the words, annotate as you see fit and if necessary break the question into chunks and read those separately until you feel you have a handle on the entire question.4. Underline, circle or highlight what is being asked of youThe key here is that at the end of the problem you can quickly check if you have actually answered the question. This way we can avoid that gut-wrenching feeling when you get your test back, start to look over a problem you missed and realized you gave the answer for X when your teacher asked for Y.    5. Write out your workI mean all of it! Even if you are typically able to perform accurate computations in your head, by not writing down your work you rob yourself of the opportunity to catch and correct accuracy errors. At the same time, make what you are writing out count. If you cant read your work, or it becomes hard to work accurately because the work is not well organized, we have the same problem as not writing it out. 6. Write out your unitsUnits get a bad rap as teachers’ favorite way to shave off points on a students test, but they are actually a really handy tool to see if you have completed the problem correctly. If your units dont work out, it’s a quick red flag that you should check your work. At the same time, by determining what the units of the answer should be ahead of time you can often devise a road map of how to solve the question.